Cold part of the Universe. Ice Galaxy is born…
This is the second of the four Galaxies.
Maxelus Galaxy Tetralogy (2/4) 😉
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Cold part of the Universe. Ice Galaxy is born…
This is the second of the four Galaxies.
Maxelus Galaxy Tetralogy (2/4) 😉
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Burning corner of the Universe. Inferno Galaxy is born…
This is the first of the four Galaxies.
Maxelus Galaxy Tetralogy (1/4) 😉
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Very crazy live wallpaper for android phones 🙂 I like it. Interactive moving colors. You may change theme colors in settings. OK – this is last wallpaper with colors, no more – to some time 😉
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CrAzy CoLors! Live Wallpaper.
Touch and move your finger on the screen. Full colour customization. Go to wallpaper settings, and select predefined color theme or set all your custom colors.
[nggallery id=4]
Beautiful Colors hidden in the shapes. Touch and feel! Touch and slide your finger up, left, right and down. Colors will change.
Full colour customization. Go to wallpaper settings, and select predefined color theme or set all your custom colors.
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