
  • Galaxy Pack 1.6 – UPDATE

    GALAXY PACK – updated to 1.6 version ! + NEW Galaxy : Toxic Galaxy.+ NEW Option : Accelerometer Sensor On/Off. Accelerate Camera left-right move (default ON)+ NEW Option : Random Galaxy, Random Timer+ NEW Option : Moving speed+ Fixed Nexus 10 issue.+ Fixed Galaxy size on some devices

  • Snow Stars 1.3 – UPDATE

    + NEW Cool 3D Depth effect+ Accelerometr sensor move camera and snow+ NEW Themes : Cooki Man, Gifts MERRY CHRISTMAS ! 🙂

  • Alien Shapes Live Wallpaper – UPDATE

    I updated  Alien Shapes Live Wallpaper . Version 1.1 is avaiable now. I change name for live wallpaper for request. In FULL version : + Added  options to save favorites.+ Now You may save your best combinations.+ And with use new option “random favorites” you may see only your best skins. In FREE version: + Now 3…